
Thank you for donating. We are updating our broken on-line donation system, but for now there are two ways to donate:
Send a donation by mail to PO Box 1601, Wytheville, VA 24382 ; or
Call the office at (276) 228 2445 Monday thru Friday: 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM and we can take a credit card donation by phone.

Your donations mean a great deal to us. Your generosity has kept us going now for a dozen years and because we are a non-profit 501 C (3), you may have a tax deduction for each donation. Because of that, we acknowledge each gift with a letter suitable for proof for the IRS, if needed. We could not have purchased a building or fixed the interior to suit us without your help. We have refloored the building, repaired the roof and repaved the parking lot. Now our concerns are maintaining what we have fully paid for and saving for the next addition or improvement. With 8,400 square feet we could not do all of the suggested changes, but we are now considering additional furniture, book shelves, copiers, and computers.

There are three ways to help us fulfill our mission of preserving our regional history for future generations. Donating by check or cash is the most common way that we add to the treasury, but some have donated stocks to our brokerage account, and others have told us that we are mentioned in their wills. We hope you will remember us every year. Our address is PO Box 1601, Wytheville, VA 24382.